Technically, this is a long overdue post and it's only going to consist of pictures really. And the pics are from the race in Golden where I did so well they gave me first and second......together. I suppose that really means I got 12th but who's counting?
L to R is I don't know, Frank, Samer, Me, Brad, Adam, Eric, I Don't Know.
Adam over the lone-standing speedkiller.
Samer charging to 3rd.
Praying to be done after 3 crashes.
One of these things is not like the other. Tim (blue) - 1st, Adam - 2d, Samer - 3d. Me...
Lenora Grace (Adam & Yvonne's daughter). We like to start 'em early!
Lookout Mountain in the back (Buffalo Bill's grave at the top). Also home of the Lookout Mountain Hill Climb every May. It hurts.
I got the wheels, now I need (another) bike to put them on.